
Showing posts from March, 2021

3/30/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we went over all of the topics each group had. My group topic is parenting styles. I chose that topic because that’s something that stood out to me. I have a good group. It don’t be all weird and quiet in the breakout room everybody be talking and stating their opinions. So yeah today wasn’t all bad. :)

3/19/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we just did this assignment on kindergartners. Don’t have much to say. Same stuff different day basically. Class 1/5 stars wouldn’t  recommend honestly.

3/16/21 Reflection

Today was a weird class to me. He was telling us how class is suppose to be boring that’s why we have other classes like p.e, dance, and etc. I didn’t understand because all you have to do is make the content more relatable so we can be intrigued to actually sit there and listen to you go on and on. It’s better when the topic we’re discussing interest us especially in the virtual environment. That’s all I got from today’s class honestly. 


 In virtual class yesterday we took notes. We discussed how online books are more popular now than libraries. I’ve read more online books and books that I got from amazon. We took a position, gave evidence, and explained it.

3/11/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we discussed is college worth the pay. This topic I can go on and on about. Our discussion did change my opinion on college. It made by opinion stronger. Class wasn’t horrible today. ._.

3/9/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we went over apostrophes and semicolons. These lessons are giving me elementary maybe middle school. Anyways, these are like reminder lessons/assignments. On the bright side no school tomorrow. =)

3/5/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we went over thesis again. Teacher discuss where we went wrong on our essays. We looked at thesis and had to determine if it was good or not. He told us it was only 6 people who gave full 5 paragraphs essays. Hope i’m one of those 6 because my sentences were definitely complete. Anyways today the last day of the week. ;)

3/4/21 Reflection

 Today in virtual class we wrote our essays. I think I did good. I made a connection with the text. Which made it easy to write 5 paragraphs about. That all we did today tomorrow Friday last day of the week. :)